Update:March 2015 Gleneagles Estate NBN Committee

The committee has approached Senator Zed Seslja’s office for clarification on NBNCo’s Technolgy Choice (Fibre on Demand) Policy and how this relates to the ministers statement on a community based co-funded approach, with the NBNCo media release of 1 December 2014.

We have also asked for his support towards working with NBNCo on a structured design for the NBN rollout in Gleneagles Estate, with consideration that our community has clearly identified there is a large proportion that wish to contribute financially towards obtaining a Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) connection.

A structured and planned design for the estate could leverage off the work undertaken by the project so far.  This would produce a more efficient and quicker approach for construction, as well as allowing for NBNCo to cater for the additional bandwidth capacity/backhaul that would be required for the estate, given the mix of FTTP and VDSL2 technologies that would be constructed.

We will provide an update when we receive a response from his office.

Gleneagles Estate NBN Committee


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