Stage 1 – No node to be installed.

It has come to our attention that a node is NOT being constructed for Stage 1. The pillar at stage 1 will be connected by 261m of copper to the node on Ivo Whitton Circuit (DA71).

What is the impact of this?:

  • Additional copper can have a significant impact on performance, for some houses in particular;
  • Internet at the estate will be more congested as where the node at Stage 2 (DA71) on Ivo Whitton will have to service 268 premises when it was originally going to service 116.
  • There will have to be a cost adjustment for FTTP connections for the extra 261m (however the presumption on volume of premises who elect for a FTTP connection will negate this impact considerably).

What can we do about this?

  • We can approach NBN, however this is literally set in concrete, and cannot be changed. I have been lobbying NBN for 3 years now, they are aware of our enthusiasm and intent.
  • The most effective option is for people on both sides of the estate to talk to their neighbours about considering an upgrade to FTTP. This will save you money as well on the upgrade cost should more premises proceed with Technology Choice upgrade to FTTP
  • Look beyond the initial speed improvement that FTTN will give you, and consider the benefits other than just speed. Ensure you do proceed with a Technology Choice application after receiving design and quote.
  • Please consider:
    * Reliability – outages, deterioration of service over time experienced with copper FTTN will not be as common with FTTP;
    * Speed – what you pay for is what you get between yourself and the ISP (no ‘bad luck you are too far’ or ‘copper is having a bad day’);
    * Scalability – You can upgrade or downgrade your speed with FTTP as your requirements change however with FTTN, you cannot get a better service; and
    * Value to your premises – FTTP adds significantly to the value of your premises beyond the initial expense – and you reap the benefits of FTTP in the meantime.


Steve Ulrich
Gleneagles Estate NBN Committee

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